Pharma Test E300

SKU: 12028


Category: Injectable Steroids
Package: 10ml vial (300mg/ml)
Substance: Testosterone enanthate
Manufacturer: Pharmacom Labs



Pharmacom Labs has developed Pharma Test-E 300 as a high strength anabolic steroid. The active ingredient in Pharma Test-E 300 is Testosterone Enanthate which is a widely used steroid in the world of athletics. This has been known to help athletes gain mass and lean muscle during their training schedules. Originally created for the medical field to treat certain types of cancer in women, this injectable steroid is now popular in the world of sports for good reason.



Due to the long half-life of Pharma Test-E 300 (about one week), it has a long period of activity in the body which lasts about 15 days. It is worth noting that this also means that it can be detected by doping tests for a relatively long time span (around 4 months after use). Because of the high anabolic effects some of the benefits to using this drug are:

  • Increased strength and endurance
  • Increased muscle growth and mass gains
  • A more defined body tone
  • Higher libido

Because this version of Testosterone Enanthate is injectable, it also has less harmful effects on the liver, and because of the long-lasting effects during use injections are not frequently needed.



The dosage depends on the individual athlete, and a cycle needs to be planned depending on the person and their training goals. Beginner athletes should start with a dosage of up to 250mg per week and can adjust the dosage according to their comfort level after that. The recommended dosage is between 250-500mg with some more experienced athletes going as high as 1000mg per week. In a solo cycle the duration of the cycle can be up to 8-10 weeks in length. Cycle length can vary if combined with other drugs.

Some athletes choose to combine Pharma Test-E 300 with other steroids during their cycle to achieve peak effectiveness. During a drying cycle some athletes like to combine with Anavar or Winstrol to reduce fluid retention. If the goal for the athlete is gaining muscle mass it can be combined with Trenbolone, Nandrolone, or Methandienone to achieve optimum results.



Most often side effects only occur if the athlete exceeds dosage recommendation limits. In this case some of the possible side effects they may experience are acne, excess fluid retention, swelling, hair loss, and gynecomastia. In this case an aromatase inhibitor can be added to the cycle and the PCT to avoid or lessen these effects.


Pharma Test-E 300 is for sale in our online store for athletes to buy at a great price. We offer shipping anywhere in the USA.


テストステロン エナンテート 300mg/ml 通販

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