Do all steroid raise mass?

Synthetic hormones, steroids hormones called androgenic and anabolic effects, are able to penetrate cells and stimulate numerous intracellular reactions, including protein synthesis. Androgens and anabolic agents: what is more important? 

Androgens, steroids, anabolic steroids, steroids androgenic and anabolic effects… What are these terms? What do they mean? Or all this scientific slaver invented only in order to fool our heads? In fact, maybe it’s just different names for the same thing – synthetic hormones? If you consider yourself a “special”, try saying that such methandrostenolone – anabolic steroid? androgen? androgenic anabolic? The correct answer is: the one and the other, and the third. If you think otherwise, do not despair. These few pages you will be enough to then sagely advise. Did you know that as a feedstock for the production of sex hormones the body uses cholesterol? Yes, the same cholesterol that physicians consider an enemy of mankind’s number one. cholesterol deposits on the inner walls of blood vessels annually destroy more people than all other diseases combined. Paradoxically, the same cholesterol gives life to human sexual system, and ultimately all of us. What is cholesterol? It is a long molecular chain. Enough to rearrange it “links”, something to throw, and add something, and cholesterol is converted into sex hormones – testosterone and estradiol. The first is responsible for the male gender, and the second – for women. The difference in features is huge, however, structurally both hormones are surprisingly similar. The reason is already known to you: they have in common “dad” – cholesterol. And testosterone, and estradiol in the medical language called steroids same time steroids or steroid hormones called several tens of biochemical compounds one way or another related to the sexual sphere. For example, for the protection of pregnant women take drugs that also belong to the steroid hormones.

Cortisone ointment, which treat eczema – also from the category of steroid hormones. Glucocorticoids, corticosteroids and estrogen – the same steroid hormones. In this sense, the term “steroid” as used in bodybuilding, not entirely accurate. The term “steroid” means only those hormones that raise muscles, meanwhile steroids such as glucocorticoids secreted by the adrenal glands, on the contrary, destroys muscle tissue. (Incidentally, the elevated levels of these hormones in the blood is an accurate indicator of overtraining). Cortisone ointment, which treat eczema – also from the category of steroid hormones Strengthening exercises. Glucocorticoids, corticosteroids and estrogen – the same steroid hormones. In this sense, the term “steroid” as used in bodybuilding, not entirely accurate. The term “steroid” means only those hormones that raise muscles, meanwhile steroids such as glucocorticoids secreted by the adrenal glands, on the contrary, destroys muscle tissue. (Incidentally, the elevated levels of these hormones in the blood is an accurate indicator of overtraining). Cortisone ointment, which treat eczema – also from the category of steroid hormones, large biceps. Glucocorticoids, corticosteroids and estrogen – the same steroid hormones. In this sense, the term “steroid” as used in bodybuilding, not entirely accurate. The term “steroid” means only those hormones that raise muscles, meanwhile steroids such as glucocorticoids secreted by the adrenal glands, on the contrary, destroys muscle tissue. (Incidentally, the elevated levels of these hormones in the blood is an accurate indicator of overtraining). Meanwhile steroids such as glucocorticoids secreted by the adrenal glands, conversely, destroy muscle tissue. (Incidentally, the elevated levels of these hormones in the blood is an accurate indicator of overtraining). Meanwhile steroids such as glucocorticoids secreted by the adrenal glands, conversely, destroy muscle tissue. (Incidentally, the elevated levels of these hormones in the blood is an accurate indicator of overtraining).

Androgenic steroids.

For male sexual characters include not only the genitals and facial hair, but also a large proportion of muscle to total body composition. Of steroid hormones for the development of male sexual characteristics correspond to only a few and the most important among them – testosterone. Its functions can be divided into anabolic and androgenic. Androgen – is the formation of the genital organs, growth of facial hair and body hair, deepening of the voice. Anabolic – the development of the musculoskeletal system of the male type (strong skeleton and strong muscles). At one time, creating an artificial steroid hormones, scientists think it was, that will be able to separate the effects of anabolic androgenic. The idea is good, but as it turned out, is not feasible.

There are no cells “clean” anobolicheskih and “pure” androgenic retseptorov.Est only one type of receptor, the calculated to testosterone, so that through it automatically “run” both kinds of reactions and androgenic and anabolic. It should be emphasized that the female muscle cells these receptors upper body is much less than that of men – hence the difference in appearance between men and women. As a result, the artificial steroid hormones gave a long, but the exact name – steroids androgenic and anabolic effects. However, many doctors prefer to call these steroids are androgenic steroids or even shorter androgens. The bottom line is that the term “androgenic” refers to “enhancing virility.” So the name allows a clear boundary between this type of artificial and other steroids, for example, those used as a contraceptive. And it may be wise to use a different name – anabolic steroids? However, the concept of anabolism implies growth of any biological tissue.

In this sense, too, it is an anabolic estradiol as stimulate the growth of fat. There was a time when the name of “anabolic steroids” almost came into use. The creators of nandrolone decanoate, methandrostenolone and oksimetalona claim the role of “parents” very exceptional hormonal drugs that have no androgenic effect. For marketing purposes, they have distorted the already known to you the name of synthetic testosterone analogues. Get the “anabolic steroids”, but later the practice has confirmed that such a “request” was pure bluff – all drugs have an androgenic effect. Meanwhile, slang little word “anabolic” which are used by bodybuilders, it is a reason. Scientists have learned how to create synthetic drugs with “skewed” in either direction: either side of androgens, either towards anabolism. For example, even though Anavar, Deca-Durabolin®, Winstrol or Anadrol and are androgens, their anabolic effect which is stronger than the “natural” testosterone. In particular, the anabolic effect deca-Durabolin® more than 280%.


In action androgenic steroids many “white” spots. In theory androgen acts. Each cell has a specific sensory receptors. Figuratively speaking, they are similar to the tentacles of sea anemones. Just as water rushes past tentacles plankton, and carries the blood by receptors of various kinds biochemical compound. If the connection is “suitable” receptor, it captures it exactly like the tentacles of sea anemones zazevavshegosya crustacean. When the body there is a need to enhance protein synthesis, it sends a command to the responsible muscle cells. It is clear that the word he can not do this. Help comes a cunning mechanism of hormonal regulation. The blood testosterone is secreted, and its every molecule becomes “courier”, which carries the cell knows to start the synthesis of new protein.

Joining testosterone cell receptor generates a command pulse, and that “triggers” myriad of biochemical reactions. Again, in theory – androgen receptors in cells not so much. In any case of testosterone, which is isolated gonads, enough to take them all. Then where anabolic androgenic steroid supplementation? That’s just not clear. Especially because in the medical world there is an obstinate belief that taking artificial steroids reduces the number of cells in androgen receptors. Conversely, if the testosterone level is low, the receptors become larger. Like, it’s adaptive response – so the cells increase the chance of capturing rare testosterone molecules. Meanwhile, there were heretics who have taken to challenge this view. And what do you think? There is evidence that, in practice, the situation is just the opposite: in castrated animals, the number of receptors in the muscle cells decreases, and when the re-injection of testosterone injections – is increasing, but still proportional to the amount of hormones: more testosterone – more buds! Now it becomes clear why the current bodybuilders androgens to grow to such huge proportions: their muscles are becoming more receptive to hormones. Because, it seems, and not observed when receiving androgen plateau – the more of them a “pumped”, the more receptors appears. Well, the more receptors, the higher the degree of assimilation of the muscles of androgens, the more muscle. So, apparently, due to the steroid hormone is feasible, without them remains a distant dream in bodybuilding – continuous anabolism. With respect to androgen action paradoxical pharmacology for the rule: the more, the better.

To summarize. Androgenic steroids – a kind of synthetic testosterone, far surpassing its anabolic properties. They are not only fabulously accelerate protein synthesis in the muscles, but also do something for a story about what is simply no place, – block the action of catabolic hormones. What is the result? To understand, just look at the current elite pro.