Candy Fit Beauty

Hey family and friends,

Candice Carter – Be Resilient!I want to say thank you for the support you’ve all given me and for allowing me to share my journey with you. I truly love what I do, and you’ve all been such a big part of my happiness.

For the past three weeks I’ve been traveling  and competing constantly. The first stop was in Columbus, Ohio for the Arnold Classic, then Dallas, Texas for the Phil Heath Pro/Am, and then it was Melbourne, Australia for the Arnold Classic Australia.

I’d be exhausting every fiber in my body by competing in three shows in three weeks if I dianabol pills for sale wasn’t being careful and planning accordingly. This sort of schedule can significantly raise your cortisol levels, so I was sure to always take my daily supplement of SAN’s CORTSTAT. This new formula coaxes cortisol to help prevent muscle tissue loss and protect all your hard-earned work from cannibalization. I have no doubt this saved me and helped maintain my conditioning through all this craziness, as you’ll see below.

Adventures in Resilience
These last three weeks were obviously a bit of a whirlwind, so I want to talk about the need to be resilient. On top of what was already going to be an incredibly busy schedule, the story below is just one case when I had to be resilient, or I wouldn’t have been able to survive the pace I had to maintain.

It started off as an ordinary travel day. I was feeling good, especially considering I’d been living out of a suitcase for a few weeks. I was very confident that I didn’t forget anything, but as I deplaned from my first flight in L.A., it all hit me like a rock… I instantly began to feel sick and weak in my legs as came to the horrific realization that I’d forgotten the most valuable item anyone traveling outside of the country would need: I forgot my passport! How do I fix this?

In a stressful moment like this, you have to learn to block all negative thoughts. Luckily, my instincts kicked in immediately, and I knew I had two options:

I could stay overnight in LA and hope I could get an emergency passport.
I could book a flight home and turinabol return the next night to Los Angeles in order to get to Australia by Thursday.
Candice Carter – Be Resilient!I choose choice #2. Once I arrived back in L.A. the following evening, I immediately ran into more issues, this time with my flight. I was now under pressure to get my new flight corrected within 30 minutes, or I wouldn’t be able to board the flight and would entirely miss the show. Luckily, I got things fixed and made it to my gate just in time to board.

I was completely drained but happy I was able to finally breath easy. I had hopes of being able to sleep the entire 15 hours to Australia, but that was unrealistic with all the water I’d have to drink to prevent water retention on show day.

I was happy and relieved to land in Melbourne, but bad luck struck again. During the security checkpoint, the dogs sniffed out all my food, so I had to give up all the prepared food I had brought along for the show. In Australia, as with most other countries, you’re not allowed to bring in foreign fruits, vegetables or poultry. So, with all my healthy food gone, it was imperative that I get to the hotel ASAP to find a nearby market to get all the necessary food I’d need during my final meals.

There certainly were a lot of obstacles to overcome, but I am luckily blessed to have been surrounded by wonderful friends who happen to be competitors competing in the show. They all understood what I was going through and were happy to help. Thank you so much to Whitney Jones, teammate and IFBB Pro-Fitness athlete, for giving a lot of her food to me. YES! The bad juju was over – or so I thought…

I wasn’t able to check in to my hotel room when I arrived, so I had to wait a few more hours. I decided to take winstrol to buy advantage of the few hours of downtime by getting a workout in before heading to the athlete check-in and the Meet & Greet.

With less than 24 hours until showtime and working off less than 3 hours of sleep, I was beyond exhausted, but I wasn’t going to give myself any excuses or complain about all the traveling mishaps. I had to be resilient for my fans, for my sponsors, and to prove to myself that no matter what, you never give up. Always show up and do what you have to do despite moments of hardship.

I ended up finishing a close 2nd at the Arnold Classic Australia. This was a huge improvement from just two weeks earlier when I placed 4th at the Arnold Classic in Columbus, OH. I just had to stay focused and stay the course.

This proves where there is a will, there’s always a way. Remember, when things get the toughest, it will be that very moment when you’re closest to your greatest victories. BE RESILIENT!!!!!

Re*sil*ience: The ability to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens.

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Candice Lewis-Carter

My New Social media accounts:
Instagram: @icandyfitbeauty
Facebook Candice Lewis-Carter

I’m so excited to be a part of the Six Deuce Team. I love everything the company stands for I look forward to an exciting year ahead. check out

USE: Candice10 at checkout.

Candice Lewis-Carter, an IFBB Pro Figure athlete, offers online weight-loss and competition coaching. Candice has been ranked as one of the top three Figure athletes in the world for the last few years and has been a great representative both on and off the stage. Candice is also a Licensed Esthetician, who has an undying love towards inspiring other women through fitness and beauty. Candice is committed to empowering women to achieve their goals. Having been a sponsored athlete buy primobolan backed up with fifteen years of experience, Candice has traveled all over the world and has experienced tremendous growth and development. She knows what it takes because of her dedication, and she can assist you in reaching your goals. Candice’s passion for fitness and beauty is unrivaled by any other person.

IFBB Pro Figure Competitor

5′ 5 1/2.”
124 lbs. Stage Weight
135 lbs. Off Season Weight


My advice for someone getting into bodybuilding is knowledge is power. Do all you can to educate yourself about weight lifting, supplementation, and nutrition.

Lead by Example

Arnold Classic 4th place
Phil Heath Pro 1st place
Arnold Australia 2nd place

Mr. Olympia 3rd place
Arnold Classic tren ace
2nd place
Arnold Australia 3rd place

Mr. Olympia 3rd place
Arnold Classic 2nd place
St. Louis Pro 1st place

Mr. Olympia 9th place
Omaha Pro 1st place
Australian Pro 4th place

Master Mr. Olympia/Miami 1st place