Primobolan 100


Category: Injectable Steroids
Package: 10ml vial (100mg/ml)
Substance: Methenolone enanthate (Primobolan depot)
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma

SKU: 705 Category:



Dragon Pharma has the steroid Primobolan 100 (commonly known as Primobolan) as a high-performance steroid with anabolic and androgenic activity with the active ingredient being Methenolone Enanthate. This injectable steroid accumulates in the fat layer before entering the bloodstream and is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone.



Many athletes prefer this injectable version of the drug because of the fewer side effects it carries, and because they feel it’s more effective than its oral counterpart.

Some of the beneficial effects that can be noticed are:

  • An increase in strength indicators
  • More muscle definition
  • Decrease in fatty deposits
  • Accelerated muscle growth

With this drug the rollback phenomenon is minimal at the end of the cycle and the overall improvement in performance for the athlete is pronounced.

How does Primobilan 100 actually work?

Primobolan 100 is a steroid that belongs to the anabolic androgenic steroid family. Primobolan has been used by many bodybuilders since the 1970s to enhance muscle growth. The drug has gained popularity among fitness enthusiasts and other athletes because it can increase muscle size, power, strength, and endurance while also reducing fat, which makes it ideal for any athlete who wants to lose weight or build muscles. It is most commonly known for its performance-enhancing effects in bodybuilding. Primobolan works by increasing the levels of testosterone in the body, which can help you build muscle and lose weight. Primobolan also has some other benefits, such as increasing libido and reducing estrogen levels in the body. Primobolan works by increasing the levels of testosterone in the body. Testosterone is a hormone that plays a role in many aspects of your health, including your ability to build muscle and lose weight. When you take Primobolan, your body responds by producing more testosterone. This increase in testosterone helps you build muscle and lose weight by stimulating your muscles to grow more quickly and by helping them burn more calories.

Lastly, Primobolan is a 17alpha-alkylated derivative of testosterone. Primobolan 100 has been shown to contain high levels of enanthate and Methenolone active ingredients that are responsible for its anabolic effects.


Experts recommend that athletes consult a sports physician before taking the drug so that the correct dosage can be planned for the individual.

Cycles of Primobolan 100 are 8 weeks maximum, with a weekly dosage that should not exceed 400mg. There needs to be PCT performed 3 weeks after the final injection has been made.

Primobolan 100 can be combined with other steroids to achieve maximum results during a cycle. Some athletes looking to gain more muscle mass during their cycle like to combine it with various testosterones, Sustanon, Nandrolone, Methandrostenolone, and Oxymetholone. Combining with other drugs not only makes the cycle more effective for the athlete but it can also lead to fewer side effects.



Because the drug does not have any estrogenic effects, there is no threat of gynecomastia or excessive fluid retention.

It will have a negative effect on the body’s naturally production of testosterone, even when taken at minimal dosages, and can cut the production by half. One-way athletes avoid this negative side effect is by taking Gonadotropin and testosterone boosters during their PCT.

In some unlikely cases the drug can cause aggression, insomnia, negative effects on the liver, and increased excitability. These effects generally only occur if the athlete exceeds recommended doses or dosage periods.

Primobolan 100 is for sale in our online store for athletes to buy at a great price. We offer shipping anywhere in the USA.


メテノロン エナンテート 100mg/ml 通販