by  in Reviews

Post-cycle testosterone recovery

Well, you’ve been on an amazing 4-month course of Sustanon and Dianabol. You scored a stunning 9 kg weight and is very happy with the result. You can not stop looking at himself in the mirror. But now you are beginning to devour the problem. You will soon be over steroids (you know that you will in any case need a break), and your


ALPHA PHARMAPost-cycle testosterone recovery

by  in Reviews

Clomid, Nolvadex and stimulate the production of testosterone

Recently, we have noticed a large number of annoyed reviews about Tamoxifen Citrate (Nolvadex) as a preference over Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid), which people use in all cases in the field of bodybuilding as anti-estrogens that support good cholesterol and testosterone stimulation. In any case, most people use Nolvadex instead of Clomid for combating gynecomastia. As for cholesterol, most people do not pay


ALPHA PHARMAClomid, Nolvadex and stimulate the production of testosterone