Insulin many call the “anabolic №1», while others, which include yours truly, do not recognize the presence of this hormone have anabolic properties. That certainly does not mean abandoning the use of insulin in such a noble cause, as the build-up of muscle mass. Moreover, during the time that has elapsed since publication on the pages of our magazine first article on insulin (see “Insulin: a bodybuilder is irreplaceable.” “Iron World” No 2-3, 2003), tested its new application of the scheme, ready to appear on our market new insulin – rapid-acting and “mixes”. But before talking about the new, let us in this important matter, as the repetition
In the aforementioned article on insulin, I recommended to start taking insulin four, or even better – eight ME. Lately, however, I ‘po¬schastlivilos “get acquainted with the case of severe hypoglycemia occurred and as a result of a lower dose – 3 ME, so now I am guided by the principle of” slow and steady wins – will last longer “, I recommend starting with an injection of” modest ” 2 ME. Next dose should increase daily, in small steps at 1-4 ME, until one of two things: you will reach the mark of 20, ME, or feel a very strong hypoglycemia after administration of a lower dose. The use of higher doses hardly justified and 20 ME can still be considered sufficiently safe level.
Most people have serious problems begin with the dosages of the order of 35-45 ME, but then again, not so rare cases of hypoglycemic coma, and after the introduction of 22-25 ME, especially if the injection was carried out during or immediately after exercise. Therefore, try not to rise above 20 ME insulin per injection, if any, is carried out before, during or directly after the training, it is better that its volume does not exceed 15-16 ME. All this applies to insulin and short-acting. With the intermediate-acting insulin and a “mix” all a bit different, but this is somewhat lower, bodybuilding exercises.
What insulins can be used?
Again I bring a table (with some modifications), previously published in our magazine, but a look that is not sin again.
insulin type | Onset of action | peak of activity | The end of the action | Low blood sugar |
ultrashort action | 20 minutes | 1-1.5 hours | 4-5 hours | 2-4 hours |
Short-acting (R) | 30 minutes | 3-4 hours | 6-8 hours | 3-6 hours |
Intermediate-acting (NPH) | 1.5-2 hours | 4-6 hours | 22 hours | 10-14 hours |
Average duration of action (h) | 1.5-2 hours | 11-13 hours | 24 hours | 14-18 hours |
Long-acting (I) | 4 hours | 12-16 hours | 26 hours | 18-22 hours |
Combination 75/25 (NPL 75% * + 25%-acting) | 10 minutes | 1.5-2 hours | 16-20 hours | 10-14 hours |
Combination 70/30 (70% NPH + 30% P) | 0-1 hour | 3-13 hours | 18-22 hours | 10-14 hours |
Combination 50/50 (50% NPH + 50% P) | 0-1 hour | 2-6 hours | 16-20 hours | 10-14 hours |
* Included only in mixtures
Now, remember once and for all to use insulin labeled “L» (L) and “I» (U), people who are not suffering from diabetes (besides, as a rule, such as I – insulin dependent) is strictly forbidden! Arises in the case of their use of hypoglycemia can be controlled with great difficulty, and sometimes – and not be controlled, especially since it may have a peak during sleep.
The most acceptable in sports practice is the use of insulin short (usually a “Humulin R” production company “Eli Lilly”) or ultrashort ( “Humalog” from the same manufacturer or “Novorapid ‘company” Novo Nordisk “) actions. People skilled possible to recommend the use of intermediate-acting insulin, usually in combination with “short” or “ultra” insulin or “mixes”. On peculiarities of application of the “ultrashort” insulin and “mixes”, see the relevant chapter.
Insulin syringes and the number of units in one milliliter
Look at these photos: Before you insulin syringes, injections can be done only with their help. One division of the syringe corresponds to a single ME insulin.
Note the marked – different syringes are available for drugs containing 40 ME per milliliter and 100 ME per milliliter. Recent hardly get to our market, but “almost” does not mean -. “Absolutely” A person accustomed to the traditional concentrations, which fell into the hands preparation with a concentration of 100 ME per ml, can easily exceed 2.5 times the dosage that is likely to lead to consequences nepopra¬vimym! Pay attention to the concentration in the solution and use only the corresponding syringes!
I have already said that it is not impossible to learn hypoglycemia. However, for someone who is getting ready for the first use of insulin, I try to describe the symptoms. Here they are:
- sudden sweating
- acute sense of hunger
- difficulties with coordination and orientation in space
- blurred vision (circles before my eyes)
- speech disorders
- limb tremor
- change in heart rate – heart starts to beat faster
- drowsiness
- increase feelings of insecurity, panic
- mood changes – euphoria or irritability increase
- changing behavior – behavior gets you previously uncharacteristic traits
The trouble is that when a significant excess of the permissible dose of insulin, these symptoms increase very sharply, and people often do not have time to understand anything.
The result – a complete disorientation, loss of consciousness or involuntary falling asleep, and – possibly fatal. Therefore, it is desirable that within 2 4 hours after the injection of insulin, especially if it is done for the first time, you would have been near someone who will not let you sleep, sweet feed (feed it – at the time of hypoglycemia is often the person does not It understands what to do), and in particularly serious cases, be able to make an intravenous injection of glucose or adrenaline and call a doctor.
So after all – anabolic or not?
The answer to this question depends on the answer to a “vitally important” question: “Is it possible to use insulin alone, without the support of androgens and anabolic steroids or growth hormone,” Well, try to figure out whether insulin can shift the balance between anabolic and catabolic processes in the body in favor of the former.
Insulin definitely enhances protein synthesis by the liver. But the liver – it’s not the muscles, as regards the latter, there is our “under investigation” has an impact on the protein synthesis process in the direction of its increase only when used in high doses, a tenth of which would be enough to send some people into an endless journey through the best of worlds. Anabolic properties have insulin occur in this case due to the fact that the hormone begins to interact with the receptors of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), which at conventional dosages occurs, Insulin definitely increases the permeability of the membranes of the muscle fibers not only to glucose, but also to amino acids. Thus, the “building blocks” cell receives more. So what? Imagine a bricklayer who is able to put a maximum per day, for example, 1000 bricks. If he bring them dvetysyachi, then put it will still be only one, and one and will lie and wait in the wings. Another thing, if at the same time with an extra thousand bricks delivered to the construction site and another mason – then it will go twice as fast. Insulin is capable of delivering into a cell more “bricks”. But the need is another “builder”. It was his role and perform androgens and anabolic steroids. So, the use without androgen meaningless? And here and there! First, promotes the rapid recovery of glycogen by the liver and muscle cells, which means faster recovery after training loads. Secondly, we’ve forgotten about the catabolic processes in the body. So, insulin – a powerful anti-catabolic. I.e, it can shift the balance between anabolic and catabolic processes in the body, but not by raising the first and by reducing the flow rate of the latter. And hence, the use of insulin alone can be justified.
Insulin resistance and the factors that cause it.
Resistance – it deadbands receptors to insulin. Insulin resistance leads to increased insulin secretion, hyperinsulinemia, in turn, reduces the number of receptors on the surface of target cells, which leads to further enhance resistance. The process of acquiring an avalanche. To the same constant increased level of insulin in the blood and causes permanent excessive intake of fat and carbohydrates. Additional administration over a long period of time may, as excessive consumption of fat and carbohydrates, lead to irreversible decrease in the number of receptors on the cell surface, and means – and to a steady decline in the ability of cells to utilize glucose, i.e. diabetes type 2. In theory, everything seems to be so. In the real world it is unlikely to find at least one person, which for the sake of athletic achievement stabbed himself insulin without interruption for years. A period of less than two to three years, is unlikely to lead to any shift in the direction of the disease. There is, however, a risk group, it includes people who have inherited a tendency to develop diabetes. These people are not worth experimenting with insulin at all.
Here are the main external factors that cause insulin resistance:
- puberty
- elderly age
- pregnancy
- obesity
- infectious diseases
- stress
- prolonged fasting
- human liver normal operation (cirrhosis)
- ketoacidosis
- endocrine diseases including associated with impaired functioning of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, hyperparathyroidism)
The practical conclusion from the above is as follows:
The use of insulin in the preparation is only possible if there is no resistance to this hormone. It is undesirable to use young (well, how can we not recall once again the distinguished “Doctor Maniac” is just such a use is recommended!) And older athletes, athletes with impaired liver function and thyroid. Before you start to use insulin to get rid of the slightest excess subcutaneous fat – or use of the drug will, in general, it is the path of accumulation of fatty deposits.
New insulin
Perhaps we should not talk about new preparations of insulin in our market, but the new drugs in sports practice. Some features, compared to the now familiar short-acting insulin, a rapid-acting insulin, presented in our market so far only one drug – a “Novorapid” Company “Novo Nor disk.” Produced he did not in traditional vials and cartridges for use in the pen. Since the syringe-pen – It’s expensive enough to apply for a fence from the cartridge can be a conventional insulin syringe in
Tested scheme application of preparations containing insulin
The usual practice – the injection of insulin in the morning on an empty stomach or immediately after meals. In the first case, injection is done for 20-30 minutes before the first meal. This is the meal can be (and in the case of training – you need to, because there is no alternative) to replace the cocktail, which ideally should contain the following ingredients:
- 50-60 grams of whey protein;
- Carbohydrates (dextrose or fructose) at the rate of 6.10 grams per 1 ME injected insulin;
- 5-7 grams of creatine;
- 5.7 grams of glutamine.
The last two items are not necessary if you are taking AAS concurrently with taking insulin. After an hour and a half after the cocktail should follow normal meal.
But the most sense is the use of insulin immediately after exercise, or better yet, for 15-20 minutes until it ends. Another option – insulin injection immediately before exercise with the immediately following it for reception of amino acids and glucose drink (the same calculation – 6-10 g of fructose or dextrose 1 ME administered insulin). However, the latter two options can be recommended only for those who already have experience in dealing with hypoglycemia. The use before or after exercise has two indisputable advantages: firstly, hypoglycemia caused by exogenous administration of insulin, is superimposed on the natural decline in blood glucose during the course with “iron”, which makes a stronger emission of blood growth hormone; Second, inhibits the conversion of amino acids into glucose, which means – there is a guarantee that the protein, contained in your post-workout drink, do not go solely on the resumption of the body depleted energy reserves. In small doses – 8-12 ME two or three times a day, usually after meals – insulin can be used as a means of enhancing the effect of the application of AAS – in this case it uses its property to increase the permeability of cell membranes. However, we must not forget that high doses of aromatizing steroids can promote the deposition of fat in women’s type (ie, in the most inappropriate places for that – at the hips and waist) and of themselves, and insulin, this process will only intensify Therefore, as far as possible you need to limit yourself to non-aromatizing steroids, the benefit of their choice is large enough. In small doses – 8-12 ME two or three times a day, usually after meals – can be used as a means of enhancing the effect of the application of AAS – in this case it uses its property to increase the permeability of cell membranes. However, we must not forget that high doses of aromatizing steroids can promote the deposition of fat in women’s type (ie, in the most inappropriate places for that – at the hips and waist) and of themselves, this process will only intensify Therefore, as far as possible you need to limit yourself to non-aromatizing steroids, the benefit of their choice is large enough. In small doses – 8-12 ME two or three times a day, usually after meals – can be used as a means of enhancing the effect of the application of AAS – in this case it uses its property to increase the permeability of cell membranes. However, we must not forget that high doses of aromatizing steroids can promote the deposition of fat in women’s type (ie, in the most inappropriate places for that – at the hips and waist) and of themselves, and insulin, this process will only intensify Therefore, as far as possible you need to limit yourself to non-aromatizing steroids, the benefit of their choice is large enough.
Finally, there is a scheme of insulin on the background of a low-carb diet.
This variant of the drug, generally provides a significant increase to muscle mass, even if insulin – the only one used in the active period, drugs (discussed above is used a property substantially slowing catabolic processes in the body). I stress – muscle mass is obtained it is dry, no oil, no water in this case, the body does not accumulate. Such a scheme is used of the drug is generally required for the competition, which will be doping control. It should immediately be noted that this scheme is very difficult to transfer – protein intake rises to 6-7 g per kg of dry weight and water – up to 5-6 liters per day!